In November, researchers, PhD students and Master students participated in the symposium CARE in Montpellier organized by the Health  & Care Lab at Learning Planet Institute and the research group TEP Care. This international symposium gathers scientifics from different disciplines (litterature, arts, medecine, education, learning, psychology), practitioners (teachers, trainers, nursing) and students to exchange on caring, education and ecology.

pousse de plante dans la main

© Akil Mazumder provenant de Pexels

The intent of the symposium to engage both researchers and practitioners was well received by students as they triggered interesting discussions with people that usually don’t meet. The students could hear from professional sharing their real-life experiences.

“I’ve met wonderful people and they share their experiences which were really inspiring : teaching arts at the hospital, integrating meditation into medical education, learning to farm during a master’s degree” Marion, PhD student.

The first two days of the symposium were dedicated to student-led events as workshops and round table discussions. One of the PhD students, Anne-Lise led a round table discussion as a scientist and enjoyed that she was able to switch positions from expert to attendee.

“This dynamic created an open environment to explore scientific topics with a fresh look”, she says.

The master students got a chance to present their work during short presentations.

“One highlight was seeing the projects produced by young people. They gave eye-opening and inspiring looks into their experiences during the pandemic.” Nitia, Master student.

The graduate school  supports student engagement and promotes their participation in scientific conferences. With EURIP support, 6 PhD and Masters students and 2 researchers were able to attend and present their results:

  • Trauma-informed practices in Higher education, Nitia Davis Learning Planet InstituteUniversité Paris Cité
  • The wellness club, Paulina Juan Chong et Marine Dalle Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité
  • Mental Health during pandemic, Mytam Mayo-Smith Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité
  • Ouverture du colloque des chercheurs avec Agata Jackiewicz, Vice-Présidente en charge de la transition écologique (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier), Aurélie Binot (directrice adjointe de la MSH-SUD) et les directeurs d’unités de recherche Fabrice Quero (ReSO), Frédéric Torterat (LIRDEF) et Franck Zenasni (LaPEA, Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité)
  • L’expérience des tout-petits en temps de pandémie, témoignages en images avec le collaboratoire de recherche sur la petite enfance Premiers Cri représenté avec Lisa Jacquey, docteure en sciences cognitives, Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité et Marion Voillot, doctorante en design, Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité
  • Development of social and emotional competencies in primary school children through a drama pedagogy training: The Emoted Program avec Franck Zenasni, Professeur des Universités, LaPEA, Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité & Macarena-Paz Celume, Docteure en psychologie, LaPEA Univ. Paris.
  • Table ronde Covid-19, care, éducation et santé: Franck Zenasni (modérateur), Professeur des Universités en psychologie, Directeur du programme Learning science (master AIRE), LaPEA Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité, Emma Baïz, Chef de projet “Outreach & Pedagogy” au Learning Planet Institute, et Coordinatrice pédagogique nationale du projet Réalise tes Rêves, Lauréat du PIC 100% inclusion, Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer, Doctorante INRAE LaPEA Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité; Muriel Mambrini, Directrice de recherche INRAE, Chargé de mission ‘Innovation’ au collège de direction d’INRAE, directrice de l’Ecole Doctorale ‘Frontières de l’Innovation en Recherche et Education’, Learning Planet Institute –  Université Paris Cité
  • Prendre soin sans ego, ce que les non humains nous apprennent avec Muriel Mambrini, Directrice de recherche INRAE Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité, et Anne-Lise Dauphiné-Morer, Doctorante INRAE LaPEA Learning Planet Institute – Université Paris Cité

The conference was successful at bringing scientific and professional together to discuss topics around care. We hope EURIP students will be able to participate next year.

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