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Camille Gaulon

FIRE doctoral school pedagogical & scientific coordinator

After studies in Physics, specialized in Acoustics, I did my PhD on soundproofing materials. In parallel with my PhD I’ve also been involved in science popularization and communication: at the scientific museum Palais de la Découverte, in the organization of science festival (like the great one Pint of Science)… I’ve also organized several seminars and conferences given by, and for, PhD students, since it’s important for me to maintain and strengthen a community of young researchers. I’m thus glad to be part of the doctoral school FIRE to support the PhD students during their thesis!

Even if I love science, my free time is mostly dedicated to art, and you have a good chance to find me in a movie theater, see me with a book (high probability that it is Romain Gary), or visiting some temporary exhibition (my preference goes for Japanese paintings).